Níjar Tower

Níjar Tower, locally known as Atalaya de Níjar, lies on a hill above the town of the same name in the province of Almería in Spain.

Níjar Tower is a round watchtower and, although probably dating back 1574, may also be the only remnant of the much older Arabic Níjar Castle. It is very likely to have been rebuilt and restored several times after deterioration due to neglect and earthquake damages.

In the 18th century the tower became part of the coastal defense system, designed by Charles III of Spain.

At present Níjar Tower can freely be visited. A simple tower, in itself not very interesting but offering great views over the valley below.


Níjar Tower

Níjar Tower, locally known as Atalaya de Níjar, lies on a hill above the town of the same name in the province of Almería in Spain.

Níjar Tower is a round watchtower and, although probably dating back 1574, may also be the only remnant of the much older Arabic Níjar Castle. It is very likely to have been rebuilt and restored several times after deterioration due to neglect and earthquake damages.

In the 18th century the tower became part of the coastal defense system, designed by Charles III of Spain.

At present Níjar Tower can freely be visited. A simple tower, in itself not very interesting but offering great views over the valley below.
