Goudenstein Castle
Goudenstein Castle, locally known as Kasteel Goudenstein, lies in the village of Haaften in the province of Gelderland in the Netherlands.
Little is known about this castle. And also little of it remains today but this sole tower.
In 1281 some Rudolf van Haeften is mentioned as keeper of the Count of Guelders. If this Rudolf really was the owner of the domain of Haaften isn't clear. When Goudenstein Castle was built and by whom is also unknown. On the basis of the stone sizes it was probably built in the beginning of the 14th century.
From 1467 the castle became a fief of Guelders. In 1609 the Van Brederode family inherited the castle. At that time it probably existed of 4 residential wings with round towers on the outer corners.
In 1672 the castle was destroyed by the French troops after which the remnants were demolished and taken away as building materials. It was never rebuilt again.
In 1712 the castle ruins became the property of the Dutry family. In the 18th century nothing more was left than the tower which we see today, although it still had its original spire (this disappeared at the end of the 19th century).
In 1968 the tower ruin was consolidated and given a new spire. It's now in the care of the "Friends of the Castles of Gelderland"-foundation.
A nice tower situated in a private backyard. The tower is not accessible.